Saturday, February 19, 2011

Six Year Old Saturday

My sweet six year old is getting so big right before my very eyes. I love her energy and love of life. I hope she always gets excited about the little things. She really is one terrific kid! And yes... I'm allowed to say that because I am her mommy and I'm so very proud of her! This past week she celebrated Valentine's Day and Rodeo Day in her Kindergarten classroom. She has also been learning about Dental Health month and is an expert in teeth brushing and flossing. Trust me--I hear about it! She just soaks in everything that she learns. Being a teacher, I of course, love our conversations about her day. She has really been reading so much and I love to hear her read with expression and using different voices for the characters. Here are some pics I took before school on Rodeo Day.
She had two cute pigtail braids which you can't really see in the pic...cute cowgirl!

Besides reading, Emma has been writing stories like crazy. She loves to sit at her desk and create new stories and make crafts. She is definitely my daughter. Just this morning she was up in her room writing a story. I can't resist putting it on here, in her own words:
"Ones upon a time in a kasl there wus a beootifl prises named Sara. She was hantit bi a jragin. Then there wus a shrajr(stranger) owtsid her kasl. She figrd he wus a pris. She sal a pris. He came to rescyou Sara in her kasl. They got maret and lived haple evr afdr. the end." Seriously...too cute! It's even cuter when she reads it to us! She even highlighted the setting...which she must be working on in school. She told me she didn't want to write attempts she just wanted the ending. She's too funny. I told her when she writes stories for fun at home she can write however she wants! I love that girl!
She has been doing such a great job in gymnastics too! We just received the letter for the spring recital. It's time to rent the costume and sign up. They have started learning the routine and she is so excited!
I think everyone needs a six year old just like Emma...kind, compassionate, helpful, loving, and smart!

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