Saturday, October 22, 2011

My helpful four year old!

Max loves to help Mommy and Daddy. He really is such a sweet boy...see that smile, blue eyes, and those freckles?! They get him out of a lot of trouble...ha ha!

He asks a million questions a day and always wants to help us and his big sister. Whenever he goes to Baba and Grandpop's house, Baba lets him help her wash dishes too! I'm usually doing dishes while the kids are taking their baths and showers. But a couple of weeks ago, Max wanted to help clean up after his favorite meal...spaghetti of course!! The evidence is written all over his face.

I think he was squealing he was so happy to help.

I love his concentration!
Emma is also a huge help! I just hope they both are willing to help when they are preteens and teenagers. Emma practically begs me to let her dust the furniture and clean the floors.

Their help sure made cleaning up the dishes more fun and a little messier but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!

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